

What to use reporters in veve ?

Usage: Configuring a Reporter Plugin for Report Generation

In this section, we'll explain how to configure a custom reporter plugin using the ReporterPlugin and ReportOptions interfaces for generating reports.

You can use the following approach to configure a report generator in a Veve-like environment.

Configuration File

Reporter Plugin can be set up through a configuration file where you specify the reporter type (either "file" or "console"), provide necessary options, and configure the report output behavior.

Reporter Configuration

Below is an example of how you might set up a custom reporter in a configuration file that generates reports based on the Reporter interface provided:

We encourage you to have reporters in an anthor file!

import { Reporter, ReportOptions } from 'veve';
export const fileReporter: Reporter = {
    name: 'FileReporter',
    type: 'file',
    async report(options: ReportOptions): Promise<any> {
      // Logic for generating a file-based report
      if (!options.outputDir) {
        throw new Error('Output directory is required for file-based reports');
      console.log('Generating file report in', options.outputDir);
      // Report generation logic here...
      return Promise.resolve('Report generated successfully');
export const consoleReporter: Reporter = {
    name: 'ConsoleReporter',
    type: 'console',
    async report(options: ReportOptions): Promise<any> {
      // Logic for console-based reporting
      console.log('Generating console report with the following data:');
      return Promise.resolve('Console report generated successfully');
// @showEmit
// @showEmittedFile: veve.config.js
// @filename: reporter.config.ts
import { Reporter, ReportOptions } from 'veve';
export const fileReporter: Reporter = {
    name: 'FileReporter',
    type: 'file',
    async report(options: ReportOptions): Promise<any> {
      // Logic for generating a file-based report
      if (!options.outputDir) {
        throw new Error('Output directory is required for file-based reports');
      console.log('Generating file report in', options.outputDir);
      // Report generation logic here...
      return Promise.resolve('Report generated successfully');
export const consoleReporter: Reporter = {
    name: 'ConsoleReporter',
    type: 'console',
    async report(options: ReportOptions): Promise<any> {
      // Logic for console-based reporting
      console.log('Generating console report with the following data:');
      return Promise.resolve('Console report generated successfully');
// @filename: veve.config.ts
import veve , { spec } from "veve";
import { consoleReporter , fileReporter } from "reporter.config"
export default veve({
  reporters: [{
    reporter: spec
    reporter: consoleReporter,
    options: {}
  }, {
    reporter: fileReporter,
    options: {}
  output: './veve'

And voila 🎉


  1. ReporterPlugin: This is the core interface that defines the structure of the reporter. It includes:

    • reporter: The actual reporter object, which contains the name, type ('file' or 'console'), and the report generation logic.
    • options: Configuration options for the reporter, such as outputDir for file-based reporting.
  2. ReportOptions: These options include the following fields:

    • reports: A map of reports to be generated, with each entry containing data of type PoolResult.
    • outputDir: The directory to save the file-based report.
    • Custom options: Additional configuration can be passed depending on the reporter’s needs.
  3. Report Generation: The reporter’s report() method is called to generate the report. It accepts the ReportOptions object, and depending on the reporter type, the method either generates a file or logs to the console.

Example Report Output

  • File-based Report: The FileReporter will output the report to a directory specified in options.outputDir.
  • Console-based Report: The ConsoleReporter simply logs the report data to the console.


You can integrate this reporter configuration into a larger build or test system. The reporters array can include multiple reporter plugins (like the ones shown above), allowing for flexible reporting based on your needs.

Important Notes

  • If you're using a file-based reporter, ensure that the outputDir is provided, as it is a required field.
  • You can customize the reporter options further, depending on the specifics of the reporter and how you want to handle the generated reports.

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