

How to use veve?

Veve is a streamlined testing framework designed to simplify writing and managing tests. This guide will help you get started and make the most of Veve's features.

Importing Veve

Veve minimizes boilerplate code.

import "veve" // Import Veve for auto-completion
it("should pass", () => {})
run() // Run the tests

This is all you need to start writing tests with Veve!

TypeScript & Auto-Completion

TypeScript Support

Veve is an ESM (ECMAScript Module) and does not support CommonJS. For the best experience, we recommend using TypeScript in your testing environment.

To enable TypeScript support, change the file extension from .js to .ts. This will provide type checking and auto-completion.

Enable Auto-Completion

To ensure full auto-completion and type safety, import Veve at the top of each test file:

import "veve" // Automatically loads types for improved auto-completion

This ensures that the necessary types and JSDoc comments are available, making it easier to write and maintain your tests.

Running Tests

Once you've written your tests, call the run() function at the end of your file to execute them and generate a TestReport.

import "veve"
it("should pass", () => {})
run() // Crucial to trigger test execution and generate a TestReport

Important: The run() function is essential. Without it, your tests won't execute, and no results will be generated.

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